Incontinence Chair for Pelvic Floor Rejuvenation
With our renowned incontinence chair for pelvic floor rejuvenation, you don’t have to do exercises that help strengthen weak muscles and relax muscles that are too tight. Our chair does it for you!
Do you leak urine when you cough, sneeze, or engage in sports activities? Do you have a frequent need to get to the bathroom quickly? Have you lost control of or have difficulty emptying your bladder or bowel? Do you refrain from intimacy with your partner?
These muscles hold the pelvic organs which are bladder, intestines, urethra, rectum, and additionally the vagina, cervix, and uterus in females. And prostate in males—in place. People of any age can and have experienced pelvic floor conditions that can benefit from pelvic floor exercises or use this simple and easy method from this chair.
request an appointmentWhat Can Our Incontinence Chair Improve?
- Incontinence
- Sexual discomfort
- Erectile Dysfunction
The human body is a beautiful creation. The way we move, speak, eat, and even breathe is controlled by the ever so intricate muscular system.
We can control most of the muscle movements of our body – but not all.
There are muscle groups that are under our conscious control are called voluntary muscles. Whilst those we do not have conscious control of are called involuntary muscles.
Although the pelvic floor is a part of the body we don’t see and is very small, they are voluntary muscles. According to many studies , we can control (and train) our pelvic muscles just like our leg or arm muscles.
Incontinence Chair for Pelvic Floor Dysfunction
- When you are unable to control (or coordinate) the muscles of your pelvic floor, this is known as pelvic floor dysfunction.
- Dysfunction manifests itself in several ways. Some of the symptoms include urinary or fecal issues, bowel strains or constipation, pain, as well as muscle spasms and pressure in the pelvic region. Some women also experience extreme discomfort during sexual intercourse
- For men, on the other hand, prostate problems and erectile dysfunction are some of the more common issues. They are caused by a weakened pelvic floor, and is most of the time due to surgery in the area. These sessions can help with this problem. Although the exact causes of pelvic floor dysfunction are still undetermined, many factors are known to weaken the muscles of the pelvic floor. Some of the reasons include advancing age, obesity, pregnancy and childbirth, overuse of pelvic muscles (common in those with constipation), and menopause. Injury to the pelvic region (E.G. a vehicle accident) is another factor.
Another common risk factor is prostate surgery for men. When men who undergo radiation therapy or surgery for prostate cancer have weakened pelvic floor muscles as a result of these treatments. It’s a common side-effect, but, as with many of these conditions, it can be effectively treated. You will find this chair is helpful for this problem.
Problems with pelvic disorders can affect people of all ages. It is quite often necessary to differentiate between conditions that affect the younger population and the problems that are more common in older age.
The muscles that are in in our pelvic floor are the strongest, and somewhere in or around our 20s, after which these muscles start to deteriorate. Meaning if you help strengthen them, you will have far better outcome later in life.
Do you leak urine when you cough, sneeze, or engage in sports activities? Is there an urge or frequent need to get to the bathroom quickly? Have you lost control of or have difficulty emptying your bladder or bowel? Are you refraining from intimacy with your partner? These are all signs that you need the pelvic floor rejuvenation sessions.
Over 200 million people worldwide are affected by incontinence. Due to factors such as the body ‘s normal aging process, childbirth, menopause, or obesity, the pelvic floor muscles weaken, creating trouble supporting the pelvic organs can be difficult. These are factoring directly, and can contribute to urinary incontinence. By choosing some sessions on the Pelvic floor rejuvenation, you will have diminished some or all of these problems.
What can I Expect with the Pelvic Floor Rejuvenation?
- Painless and Quick (30 minutes)
- Stay fully clothed
- Equivalent of doing 20,000 kegels
- Same as 6000 butt squats
- Results often in the same day
FDA cleared, and according to studies, this chair does help to tighten the pelvic floor muscles and stimulate circulation. Therefore, incontinence is reduced or even completely gone. However, each client will have different results depending on what the issues are and how severe they are.
After a series of at least 6 sessions is required to get the best results for most clients. Once finished with a series, our staff will be going over the sessions with you to see if there are more needed for the results you are trying to get. Additional treatments that are purchased can be used for maintaining in the future.